Wednesday, July 24, 2013

24 July 2013 - Big4 Albany Gardens Holiday Resort, Albany, Western Australia

I could say the day has been entirely wasted, but that would be to take a very negative stance. Instead I shall tick off the positives: a load of washing dry, the landcruiser serviced as well as now sporting replacement rear brake pads which we didn't know we needed and much pavement walking having been done in the absence of a vehicle, all good for one’s health.

Rain fell through the night however it has been fine for most of the day. Hopefully it will be tomorrow as we visit the last few tourist spots, although there will be many missed even after eight days. Who would have thought it?

As we walked back from the garage this morning, one of three trips on foot, I watched a small flock of pelicans wheeling high in the sky, far above Mt Melville, enjoying the thermals as do glider pilots. This afternoon the crowds of galahs have gathered nearby to feed as they do on every day here in the park, courtesy of some generous bird lover. And the magpies have come to sing their sorry story, sorry about the attacks upon us by their cousins out on the coast yesterday.

It has, after all, been a good day.

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