Saturday, May 21, 2011

22 May 2011 - Koramba Cotton, NSW

Our Kiwi neighbours left this morning, as Chris headed for work. Mike popped over last night with their time sheets and asked Chris if he could pass them on to the appropriate people. He stayed for some time and we talked about friends we had in common.

I am sure that if you put a dozen people from a city of forty thousand together, none having met, and started chatting about people you knew or had done business with, you would find that you were all closely linked after all. Life is full of little surprises and it is with some regret that we have not had time to get to know them better. However they are heading in the general direction that we intend, so chances are our paths may well intersect again. I do hope so.

I thought it highly symbolic that as Lynette stood holding her rubbish, which I took from her offering to dispose of it so they could be on their way (Mike was champing at the bit), I noted that their fluoro vests were destined for the tip. I take it therefore that they will not be approaching Dick from Labour Solutions for another job!

The morning has dawned bright and sunny, with much warmer temperatures and as I write this, I am enjoying 21 degrees, back in a tee-shirt as opposed to the four layers I have been living in of late.

Chris and his team would by now have finished up in their field, and will be just heading off to join every other team in Field No. 39, the largest cultivated cotton field on the farm, measuring 655 acres (265.2 hectares). Apparently it is not all planted out but will still occupy everyone for a few days thus drawing the harvest to a close.

I was surprised to see Daryl turn up here this morning just before nine with two young men in their own clean car, and take them up in to the barracks. One would guess that they are to work here. They were still there when I left for my walk, but gone when I returned. Perhaps the young men, who were looking as clean and tidy as their car, decided that living in this hovel is just not for them. Who knows?

Photos above: The "barracks" from various angles contrasted by the neatness of our own abode.

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